Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Sponsorship Fee: (6.000 Euro)
• 5 industrial registrations
• Opportunity to make a presentation during the conference program (45 min)
• Full page advertisement placed in the book of abstracts
• Sponsor’s name/logo displayed as “Platinum Sponsor” on conference website, book of abstracts, and sponsorship board
• Certificate of Appreciation granted to sponsor
Gold Sponsorship Fee: (3.500 Euro)
• 3 industrial registrations
• Opportunity to make a presentation during the conference program
• Two table, four chairs, and electricity provided
• Half page advertisement placed in the book of abstracts
• Sponsor’s name/logo displayed as “Gold Sponsor” on conference website, book of abstracts, and sponsorship board
• Certificate of Appreciation granted to sponsor
Silver Sponsorship Fee: (2.500 Euro)
• 2 industrial registrations
• Half page advertisement placed in the book of abstracts
• Sponsor’s name/logo displayed as “Silver Sponsor” on conference website, book of abstracts, and sponsorship board
• Certificate of Appreciation granted to sponsor
Sponsorship Fee (500-1000 Euro)
•Sponsor’s name/logo displayed
•Certificate of Appreciation granted to sponsor on conference website, book of abstracts, and sponsorship board
• Certificate of Appreciation granted to sponsor
Exhibition / Stand Package* (2.250 Euro)
• One table, two chairs, and electricity provided
• Registration for 1 representative included
Prices do not include 20% VAT.
Please contact NCC10@cumhuriyet.edu.tr /ates@cumhuriyet.edu.tr for booking and additional information.
Payment information
Vakıfbank Çanakkale Şb.
Tayfun Taşbilek
TR14 0001 5001 5800 7287 1253 69